Score! St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store must have known I had a couple bucks burning a hole in my pocket. The white board at the door posting the days deal shined at me like a beacon in a world full of impossible dollar signs trying to steal away my diaper money.
Oh but St. Vincent had ALL books at $1! Whoopie.
Look What I found!

Maybe not the most practical of cookbooks but fun non-the-less, which is what you look for at a thrift store.
Yes, I do like cookies. But that's not what sold me on "Around The World Making Cookies."

1. Josephine is my daughter and Grandmother's name. When I saw the signature (probably a fake, but who cares) and the dedication to her grandmothers, I felt compelled.

2. I love a book with personal notes - I feel almost veuyeristic. 3. Why don't books organize themselves with headings like "Choosing the Right Cookie: For Lunch Baskets, For the Children's Cookie Jar, For Dessert with Fruit, Ice Cream, Etc." 4. The discolored page edges. 5. The dusty book smell. 6. The buttery yellow cover and the way it will look on my shelves. Fantastic.
I'm especially looking forward to reading through "What Kind of Cookies Shall I Bake?" "Cookery Americana," and "Cookies From Other Lands." How can you not smile reading that?
I admit it. I do judge a book by it's cover and this one said "Buy me!" If the recipes turn out like dirt, I'll rip out some of the pictures and frame them for my kitchen. I love food pictures!

I've been meaning to learn Italian. Starting with sweet, er, dulci diction sounds like a good idea to me!
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